Happy Early Valentine’s Day to all you lovers out there! This week’s story is a romance—what else would you expect from the Rocketeer this week? “The Greatest of All” (1933) is a romance by popular love story writer, Philippa Preston.
Characters in “The Greatest of All” mentioned in the podcast:
Audrey Merivale: the heroine
Shane Carter: the love interest
Sonia Carter: Shane’s younger sister
John Andrews: Sonia’s fiance
Leonard Peters: Trouble with a capital “T”
William Marash: An amateur detective
Detective Leyton: the detective on the murder case and a friend of Marash
Elma Beverley: A socialite who wants to marry Shane Carter

Look for my new Rocketeer column starting this February! For more about me and my writing and artwork, hop over to Lucina Press and Flying Pony Studios.
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