Today, Space Explorers I’m going to read you a story. It’s a rare story that even pulp collectors have had a hard time getting their hands on but I, with a nose like a bloodhound when it comes to finding rare stories, have done it! It’s a funny story, which falls under the category I’d say, of Pulp Fantasy. It was written by popular British author Bertram Atkey, who lived from 1880 – 1952. The story is the first of seven in a series called “Misguided Nature” which came out in Blue Book Magazine during the period of Fall of 1931 to Spring of 1932. “The Outlawed Centaur” is a treat. And if you’re a horse person or a racing fan, as I am, it’s an even bigger treat. My apologies for being a less than a perfect reader, although I think you can get the gist. It just seemed more important to me share a story with you that you are unlikely to ever see a copy of, or even hear about other than here. I hope you enjoy it!
The Rocketeer Podcast
The Rocketeer is the official bulletin of the Space Explorers Club. Ironic that a weekly column about pulp fiction should eventually return to radio. All the same, it seems fitting.
The Rocketeer is the official bulletin of the Space Explorers Club. Ironic that a weekly column about pulp fiction should eventually return to radio. All the same, it seems fitting.Listen on
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